"AccountAuthorized": "I have read and agree to the terms and conditions displayed to me throughout the enrollment process and above and that are available to download and save/print",
"WebFormID": "9",
"SubmissionID": "366",
"ProgramCode": "NSTAR Boston Edison Online Smart Rate",
"AccountType": "RESI",
"AccountNumber": "26590351016",
"AccountNumber2": "",
"AcctCustomerRelationship": "I am Account Holder",
"CellPhoneNumber": "",
"Email": "efarahani@aol.com",
"EmailApproval": "",
"EnrollmentFirstName": "Esmaeil",
"EnrollmentLastName": "Farahani",
"EnrollmentIP": "",
"FirstName": "Esmaeil",
"LastName": "Farahani",
"HeardAbout": "I am old Customer of Atlantic Energy and just I am renewing my agreement .",
"MailingAddressLine1": "",
"MailingAddressLine2": "",
"MailingCity": "",
"MailingState": "",
"MailingZip": "",
"NewsLetterSignup": "",
"PhoneNumber": "(617) 304-6168",
"ProductNumber": "01410",
"PromoCode": "Online",
"ReadNYRights": "",
"ServiceAddress1": "45 Goodnow Lane",
"ServiceAddress2": "",
"ServiceCity": "Framingham",
"ServiceState": "MA",
"ServiceZip": "01702",
"Signature": "",
"comm_resi": "RESI",
"Spanish": "English",
"TermsAccepted": "",
"utility": "Eversource NSTAR",
"MeterReadCycle": "TestQA13",
"DepositAmount": "deposit_amount",
"County": "service_county",
"rep_id": "Online",
"utm_source": "",
"utilityid": "006951552",
"GasAuthorization": "",
"GasPlanID": "",
"GasAccountNumber": "",
"ConfirmationCode": "atl_enroll_65316dfa17f14",
"FormSubmissionID": "366",
"FormSubmissionSerialNumber": "71"