"AccountAuthorized": "I have read and agree to the terms and conditions displayed to me throughout the enrollment process and above and that are available to download and save/print",
"WebFormID": "9",
"SubmissionID": "2668",
"ProgramCode": "",
"AccountType": "",
"AccountNumber": "5576160286",
"AccountNumber2": "",
"AcctCustomerRelationship": "",
"CellPhoneNumber": "(412) 320-3345",
"Email": "amanda.m.kiger@gmail.com",
"EmailApproval": "I agree to receive text messages from Atlantic at the number provided. These messages may vary in frequency and message and data rates may apply. Consent is not a condition of enrollment with Atlantic. I may opt-out at any time by calling (800) 917-9133 or by replying STOP.",
"EnrollmentFirstName": "Amanda",
"EnrollmentLastName": "Kiger",
"EnrollmentIP": "",
"FirstName": "Amanda",
"LastName": "Kiger",
"HeardAbout": "Google",
"MailingAddressLine1": "",
"MailingAddressLine2": "",
"MailingCity": "",
"MailingState": "",
"MailingZip": "",
"PhoneNumber": "(412) 320-3345",
"ProductNumber": "01487",
"PromoCode": "saveon",
"ServiceAddress1": "9057 Ringeisen Road",
"ServiceAddress2": "",
"ServiceCity": "Allison Park",
"ServiceState": "PA",
"ServiceZip": "15101",
"Signature": "Amanda Kiger",
"comm_resi": "",
"Spanish": "English",
"TermsAccepted": "I have read and agree to the terms and conditions displayed to me throughout the enrollment process and above and that are available to download and save/print",
"utility": "",
"rep_id": "Online",
"utm_source": "",
"utilityid": "",
"GasAuthorization": "Yes, I am authorized to make changes on this account and I am at least 18 years of age.",
"GasPlanID": "",
"GasAccountNumber": "",
"ConfirmationCode": "atl_enroll_679a503f3cada",
"FormSubmissionID": "2668",
"FormSubmissionSerialNumber": "429",
"GasUtility": "",
"ProductNumberG": "",
"LeadID": "00QVL00000GllWv2AJ",
"TOSURL": "https://atlanticenergyco.com/documents/tos?productNumD=01487_saveon_250128&productNumDG=",
"ContractLink": "https://atlanticenergyco.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=fluentform_pdf_download_public&submission_id=OWVTazAya2xCUEtxZzRkN1hUSGk2N0IrRmYyT3lsOVhHUEc1SVJwR0lWNWpURUw3dFhrM2ltejVIcmJYQmdLZldwYXh3ZnNybEl1Q2dQU3FabWVZWXc9PQ==&id=L2lUVXVLYlNMcmRkb3VQOUtjdmJ4VEw5R1JNTm9CVzhDc1A0RDluc09ZaDRNVGh1T0F5UEk1NnhXS1orQ2phKzFXVXFQUGU5dFUxZEZ4WlhraU5SRnc9PQ=="